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  Nevada in 2012: The chopped liver caucus
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Last EditedJason  Feb 07, 2011 12:20am
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News DateMonday, February 7, 2011 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionIn 2008, Nevada Republicans threw an early presidential primary caucus — and practically nobody came.

For 2012, they’re hopeful the candidates will pay more attention. They point to the fact that unlike last time, Nevada has been approved this time as an early state by the Republican National Committee.

Also unlike last time, in 2012 the Nevada caucuses will be binding and proportional, which the state’s Republicans hope will make them a bigger deal.

Yet, there’s already evidence that the state again is being treated like chopped liver. More potential GOP candidates have traveled to Israel this year — three — than to Nevada.

The prospective presidential candidates have been ramping up their schedules in recent weeks, but the only one to visit Nevada since the new year is Sarah Palin, who gave the keynote speech at the Safari International convention of big-game hunters in Reno last week.
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