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  Gov.-Elect Lincoln Chafee Declines Anti-Gay Marriage NOM's Plea
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Nov 27, 2010 02:58am
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News DateWednesday, November 24, 2010 08:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionRhode Island Governor-elect Lincoln Chafee has declined an anti-gay marriage group's plea to consider putting gay marriage up for a vote, the Providence Journal reported.

Christopher Planet, director of the Rhode Island chapter of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), told the paper that a meeting with Chafee aide Michael Trainor gave him the impression that the incoming administration was open to talking with opponents of gay marriage and was shocked when he received a letter nixing the idea.

“The governor elect feels that the issue should be addressed as soon as possible by the General Assembly, and does not believe that the question should be decided by a ballot referendum,” Trainor wrote. Chafee believes that “Marriage equality is a basic right that should be extended to all Rhode Islanders – a question not only of fairness and justice, but of economic development as well.”
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