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  Abortion-by-Vote Probably a Pro-Life Stunt
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ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Nov 19, 2010 08:34pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
AuthorAdrian Chen
News DateFriday, November 19, 2010 06:05:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWhen we reported on the Minnesota couple who are putting their abortion up to an Internet vote, we wondered whether it was a pro-life stunt. The couple claim to have no agenda, but what's with the husband's anti-abortion Internet history?

As our friends at Jezebel pointed out, there's evidence suggesting that the husband, Pete Arnold, is decidedly pro-life. From the Blog of the Moderate Left:

Pierre "Pete" Arnold III also used to be a "researcher, contributor, and part time producer for the Race to the Right radio show in St Cloud." He blogged at Always Right, Usually Correct, which had a hard anti-choice bent. He used the aliases "The Pete" and "Zeeboid" - indeed, the latter is both a domain he owns and the userid for his gmail account - but it's not that hard to track down.

One of the things Arnold did under his handle is change the definition of "pro-choice" in a Daily Kos Wikipedia entry to:

The term "pro-choice" is used by men and women who support a woman's right to kill an unborn child.

The term means that a woman has the right to determine whether or not she will be pregnant by killing a baby that has already been conceived.

Also Refered to as Pro Abortion
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