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  Voter enthusiasm tilting Rossi's way?
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Last EditedRalphie  Nov 01, 2010 11:56am
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CategoryBlog Entry
AuthorJim Brunner
MediaNewspaper - Seattle Times
News DateMonday, November 1, 2010 05:55:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWashington Democrats have fought back on the notion that they're suffering from the same "enthusiasm gap" plaguing the party nationally.

But early voting numbers -- and a new poll from a Democratic-leaning group -- suggest Dems here are not immune the national trend, which would be good news for Republican Senate challenger Dino Rossi.

Pat Shortridge, Rossi's campaign manager, wrote up a memo Sunday looking at the early turnout numbers.

"As you'll note, in 2004, turnout in the heavily Democrat 7th CD was about 1.4 percentage points ahead of the state average. This year, the 7th CD is 3.3 percentage points behind the statewide average. Likewise, the 1st CD was 4 percentage points ahead of the statewide average in 2004. This year, it is 2.7 percentage points behind."

"Further, in 2004, the more Republican 4th CD was 3.8 percentage points behind the state average, while the 5th CD was just under 2.5 percentage points behind. This year, the 4th CD is almost 5 percentage points ahead, as is the 5th CD."
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