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   Thuggery Is Not a Tea Party Problem or a Kentucky Problem. It's a Paul Problem and a Union Problem
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Last EditedCOSDem  Oct 26, 2010 05:36pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
News DateTuesday, October 26, 2010 11:35:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionWhile I appreciate all the traffic from the liberal blogs on this story, I don't appreciate this being cast as a Tea Party phenomenon. It's no such thing. It's also not a Kentucky phenomenon as conservatives (who don't live here?) are claiming. It's a phenomenon of the Left and the far Right. Throat-slitting is as much leftist as it is Ayn Randian. Sanity is in the middle of these two extremes.

Coal unions have participated in some thuggery themselves over the years here in Kentucky. My own late father was a coal miner and I can assure you, the Paul camp isn't any more thuggish than the coal unions were in my youth. I lived in fear for my father at times because of the union.

America has become polarized. I'm protesting this Senate race because I cannot in good conscience vote for the Ayn Randians or the unionists. People are so caught up in personalities and agendas that they can't recognize human dignity anymore, whether they are on the Left or the Right.
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