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  N.J. Senator (Haines) engineered change in (South Jersey Light Rail) route
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Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Jan 12, 2004 10:16pm
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MediaNewspaper - Philadelphia Inquirer
News DateMonday, July 28, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description" His colleagues called him "Apple Bill" because, as the only farmer in the legislature, he used to bring them baskets of fruit. But the late State Sen. C. William Haines was no country bumpkin.

The Burlington County blue blood carried off a political maneuver in 1996 that brought light rail to South Jersey - and completely rerouted the line.

Haines was the catalyst for turning a project intended to relieve the region's traffic congestion into what he believed would be an economic development engine for Burlington County."

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