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  Dem (Bobby Bright) Jokes That Pelosi Could Die Before Next Year
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Aug 26, 2010 09:50pm
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AuthorJeremy P. Jacobs
News DateFriday, August 27, 2010 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description"Rep. Bobby Bright (D-AL), one of the most vulnerable Dems in the House, has come up with a new way of distancing himself from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Joking that Pelosi could die in the coming months and be unable to serve as Speaker next year.

Appearing at a Chamber of Commerce event in Montgomery, AL, Bright said -- in jest, he insisted -- that there is the possibility that Pelosi loses re-election and can't be Speaker next year. He then went one step farther, saying that Pelosi could die before the next Congress comes into session. The remarks were reported [Link] by the Montgomery Advertiser.

The remarks signal how quickly conservative Dems are running away from Pelosi and fear being tied to her on the campaign trail this year. Last week, Rep. Joe Donnelly (D), who is in a competitive race in Indiana, aired an ad that stated he "voted against Nancy Pelosi's energy tax."

Republicans immediately jumped on the remarks. "Bobby Bright's comments -- even if made in jest -- are indefensible," said Andy Sere, a spokesman for the NRCC. "The congressman was wrong to support Pelosi for speaker, wrong to vote with her 71% of the time and wrong to oppose repealing her health care takeover, but trying to cover up that record by perversely predicting her imminent death is even worse."

A call to the Bright campaign was not immediately returned.

Bright is currently locked in a neck and neck race with Montgomery Councilor and establishment favorite Martha Roby (R)."
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