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  Sowers: I voted for Proposition C
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Last EditedJason  Aug 06, 2010 08:01pm
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AuthorDavid Catanese
News DateFriday, August 6, 2010 11:35:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionTommy Sowers, the Democratic nominee in Missouri's 8th Congressional District, is one of the estimated thousands of Democrats who voted in favor of a ballot initiative Tuesday that rejects a prominent provision in the federal health care overhaul.

While both sides squabble over the repercussions of Proposition C and what it means for Democrats in the bellwether battleground this fall, Sowers’ decision to side with Republicans on the measure is just another example of how tricky and toxic the health care issue has become for his party.

"I voted for Prop. C because I was never in favor of the individual mandate aspect of the health insurance reform," Sowers told POLITICO Friday. "Its constitutionality and frankly, the constitutionality of Prop. C, will be debated in the courts, but I think it will, and should be, in Congress, where this will be ultimately fixed."
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