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  Lentz: ‘I am not going to be lectured by Pat Meehan’ on petitions…
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Last EditedScott³  Aug 06, 2010 06:18pm
Logged 1 [Older]
CategoryBlog Entry
News DateSaturday, August 7, 2010 12:15:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOriginal Article...Congressional candidate Lentz spurns petition issue [Link]

"Democratic congressional candidate Bryan Lentz answered questions Thursday night from 30 people who gathered in a sweltering American Legion Hall in Clifton Heights, Delaware County, to talk about the country's economic woes.

But the state representative from Swarthmore refused to say whether his campaign helped gather signatures to put a third-party candidate, Jim Schneller, on the ballot in the Seventh District.

"I think my answer is a fair one: that Schneller took [the petitions] to Harrisburg and filed them and I think it's fair for him to answer questions about the petitions," Lentz said. "That whole process was Jim Schneller's ballot and Jim Schneller should answer the questions."

Lentz's Republican opponent, Patrick Meehan, accused Democrats and Lentz campaign volunteers of organizing behind Schneller, an independent candidate with tea-party attributes, in an effort to split the Republican vote in what could be a close race to replace U.S. Rep. Joe Sestak.

Several Democratic Party members in various Delaware County municipalities circulated petitions for Schneller, including Colleen Guiney, head of the Swarthmore Democrats whom Lentz this year called "the hardest worker on my campaign."

Democrats collected about 4,800 of Schneller's 7,900 signatures, pushing him past the 4,200 he needs to get on the ballot, according to the Meehan campaign. Guiney – who Lentz said is a volunteer for his campaign, not a paid worker - helped Schneller collect 503 signatures.

Guiney and the majority of the Democratic petition circulators pointed out by the Meehan campaign have not responded to requests for comments."
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