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  Texas gubernatorial candidate Bill White tries to distance himself from Obama
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedJason  Jul 22, 2010 11:26pm
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AuthorWayne Slater
MediaNewspaper - Dallas Morning News
News DateThursday, July 22, 2010 12:55:00 PM UTC0:0
Description JACKSONVILLE, Texas – Bill White put distance between himself and Barack Obama on Wednesday, saying he and the president don't come from the same place or share some of the same views.

"I was in the oil and gas business when he was a community organizer," White said, bringing his bid for governor to East Texas.

The president is not particularly popular in Texas. And GOP Gov. Rick Perry's camp has sought to tie Obama to fellow Democrat White in the minds of voters.

Last year, White bought a newspaper ad picturing him with Obama under the headline "The Dream. The Hope. The Change."

On Wednesday, White took pains to underscore his differences with the president on federal spending and climate and energy legislation – at one point mirroring the anti-Washington theme that Perry capitalized on in the Republican primary.
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