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  Candidate: Keep state's complexion white
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ContributorHikikomori Blitzkrieg! 
Last EditedHikikomori Blitzkrieg!  Jul 15, 2010 08:00am
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AuthorRay Duckler
MediaNewspaper - Concord Monitor
News DateSunday, July 11, 2010 01:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIt's a matter of black and white, says Ryan Murdough, Republican candidate for the State House in Grafton County's 8th District.

No room for gray area. And no room for Asians or Hispanics or Jews or African-Americans or American Indians, either.

Just Americans. Real Americans. Plymouth Rock Americans. White Americans who bleed red, white and blue. Uncle Sam wants them. To anyone else, don't let Lady Liberty hit you on the butt on your way out of New York Harbor.

You're not welcome here.

"I would like to preserve what we have before it gets totally out of control," Murdough, a 30-year-old father of two young boys, said last week. "The more it becomes non-white, the more it's going to become a much different place to live, for white people especially."
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