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  Top GOP leaders line up against D'Annunzio
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Last EditedRP  May 24, 2010 04:19pm
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AuthorJim Morrill
MediaNewspaper - Charlotte Observer
News DateSunday, May 23, 2010 10:00:00 PM UTC0:0
Description Republican Party leaders have escalated an unprecedented campaign against one of their own congressional candidates, with N.C. GOP chairman Tom Fetzer calling Tim D'Annunzio "unfit for public office at any level."

Fetzer's remarks came after copies of D'Annunzio's court records were circulated among party officials in Raleigh and Washington.

D'Annunzio finished first in the May 4 primary. But his party has since gone to increasing lengths to portray him as unelectable.

"By my personal observation of his behavior, and by acquaintance with his record and background, I consider Mr. D'Annunzio unfit for public office at any level," said Fetzer. "What he could do to the party as our nominee is secondary in my view to what he could do to the country if he got elected. If he got elected, for crying out loud, that would be a disaster."
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