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  Results Unclear in Utah, but Trouble May Loom for Bennett
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedJason  Mar 25, 2010 05:32am
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AuthorChris Good
News DateWednesday, March 24, 2010 11:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThere's no real way to tell who "won" the Utah GOP caucuses yet, but it's likely that Sen. Bob Bennett has a fight on his hands.

If he loses, he'll become the first major Republican casualty of the primary-happy conservative movement.

Bennett faced off against seven primary challengers last night, with Utah Republicans turning out for the caucuses in massive numbers. With full results yet to come in, there appears to be a real chance that Bennett will lose his spot on the ballot this November as he seeks reelection.

"Caucus turnout last night last night was unbelievable," Utah GOP Chairman Dave Hansen said. "It was at least double and could be even higher than that.."

Typically, Utah caucuses see a turnout of 30-35,000, Hansen said; last night's turnout was around 75,000, he guessed.
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