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  [WI]What Sheridan should apologize for
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Last EditedPenguin  Feb 19, 2010 09:24pm
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News DateSaturday, February 20, 2010 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionAssembly Speaker Mike Sheridan says he is sorry for having misled reporters about his relationship with a lobbyist for the payday loan industry.

Sheridan didn't really "mislead" statehouse reporters. He lied to them.

When reporters initially asked Sheridan about rumors that he was dating lobbyist Shanna Wycoff, the speaker denied that he was romantically involved with the payday loan industry's statehouse advocate.

Now he says: "I'm sorry if you thought I was trying to mislead you. That was not my intent. But I understand that was the perception."

No kidding. When reporters ask you a question and you lie to them, they might just get the wrong perception.
But Sheridan's deceits are not what he should be apologizing for.

What he should be apologizing for is the payday loan bill the Assembly passed under the guise of addressing abuses by the payday loan industry.
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