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  Indiana: Rokita Running For Buyer's Open House Seat
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Last EditedTakahe  Feb 01, 2010 01:30pm
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AuthorGreg Giroux
News DateMonday, February 1, 2010 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionIndiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita (R) will run to succeed retiring Rep. Steve Buyer (R) in the state's 4th district.

"He is grateful for the strong encouragement from Hoosiers throughout the 4th CD, and has decided to campaign for the opportunity to serve in Congress on their behalf," Kevin Kellems, a strategist for Rokita's campaign, said in a statement Monday.

"Todd will post a statement today to his Facebook page," Kellems said. "He wants to work at the federal level on the economic and security issues that directly affect the workers, families and small businesses of the 4th District."

Prior to Buyer announcing his retirement Friday, Rokita said that he might challenge Sen. Evan Bayh (D). But a campaign against Bayh, who is well-funded, would be more difficult than a campaign in the now-open 4th district, a strongly Republican-leaning area in west-central Indiana.

Rokita could face opposition in the May 4 primary from state Sen. Brandt Hershman, who also is Buyer's district director, and other Republicans.

Purdue University professor David Sanders is seeking the Democratic nomination. He was the Democratic nominee against Buyer in 2004 and 2006, losing decisively both times.

CQ Politics rates the Indiana 4 race as Safe Republican.
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