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  NRSC to back Bennett against conservative primary challengers
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Last EditedArmyDem  Jan 10, 2010 09:47am
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News DateSaturday, January 9, 2010 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
Description By Alexander Bolton - 01/09/10 01:13 PM ET

The National Republican Senatorial Committee will back Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah) in his battle against the Club for Growth and conservative challengers.

But it is unlikely the Republican fundraising committee will spend much of its precious cash resources in a Republican primary for a Senate seat the GOP is all but certain to keep.

Nevertheless the Senate campaign committee can give Bennett other kinds of support, such as campaign research and access to fundraising facilities that could help him in his battle against challengers.

“The NRSC and Sen. Cornyn fully stand behind Sen. Bennett,” said Brian Walsh, spokesman for the committee.

Bennett is facing an attack from his right flank by several primary opponents, such as former congressional candidate Tim Bridgewater, attorney Mike Lee and activist Cherilyn Eagar.
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