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  The period and the party
Parent(s) Party 
ContributorBob Sacamano 
Last EditedBob Sacamano  Jan 07, 2010 03:23am
Logged 1 [Older]
CategoryBlog Entry
AuthorDuncan Chapel (via Liam Mac Uaid)
News DateTuesday, December 29, 2009 12:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe faction fight in the SWP, which pits the majority led by Alex Callinicos and Martin Smith against the Left Platform led by John Rees and Lindsey German, is utterly depressing, for several reasons. First it is a reflection of the generally depressed and demoralised state of the whole of the British left, although of course with its own specific characteristics.

Second, whatever the ultra-factional vultures on the fringes of the far left may think, it is also depressing that the main organisation of the revolutionary left finds itself in such factional disarray. That is bad news for everyone; the very poor turn out for the recent Stop the War Coalition demonstration testifies to that.

Third, this whole sorry mess, which has included the sidelining of the Socialist Alliance in the early part of the decade, and the split in Respect and its fallout inside the SWP, was utterly avoidable.
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