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  Obey wants war surtax
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Last EditedPatrick  Nov 23, 2009 03:06pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
MediaNewspaper - San Francisco Chronicle
News DateMonday, November 23, 2009 09:05:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionHouse Appropriations chief David Obey, in an interview with ABC news, threw down the gauntlet on Afghanistan, saying if the administration wants more troops, he will demand that they be paid for with an across-the-board income tax surcharge.

He said the ten-year cost of the war clocks in at $900 billion, about the size of the Democratic health care legislation. Obey warned last spring when he pushed through the last war funding bill that the administration had one year to show progress. Time is up. House Democrats are now in a full-scale rebellion.

Obey said unless the war is paid for it will "wipe out every initiative that we have to rebuild our own economy."
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