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  Votes, money keep Minnick from being vulnerable
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Last EditedJason  Nov 22, 2009 02:44am
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AuthorKevin Richert
News DateSunday, November 22, 2009 08:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionOne year from the 2010 elections, Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick has made an unenviable Top 10 list.

The first-term lawmaker has made the list of the 10 most vulnerable House incumbents, as compiled by the newspaper Roll Call, a Beltway reading staple.

Ranking aside, how much is Minnick at risk?

Minnick certainly fits the vulnerability profile explored by Roll Call's Bob Benenson. Minnick is a Democrat who rode his party's gains to win in a conservative congressional district. Nine lawmakers on Benenson's top 10 list are Democrats. Six of them represent districts that supported Republican John McCain in the 2008 presidential election - in Minnick's district, McCain won by 26 percentage points.

Writes Benenson: "Minnick's 2008 win in an Idaho Republican stronghold would have been a shocking upset - had it not been for a deeply flawed incumbent. ... (Rep. Bill Sali's) hard-line conservatism and his reputation as personally abrasive cut deeply into his support among the district's Republican base."
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