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  Green candidate Whitney evolved from socialist past
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Last EditedRBH  Nov 05, 2009 05:25pm
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MediaNewspaper - State Journal-Register: Springfield, IL
News DateThursday, November 5, 2009 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionYears ago, Whitney said, he belonged to the Socialist Labor Party.

“I’ve always been involved in independent, pro-labor politics,” he said. “I’ve always been on the side of the working people.

“But I left that organization back in the early 1990s because I came to the conclusion that … we’re not going to affect real change by something that goes under the name ‘socialism,’ and my political thinking evolved.

“Let me be clear,” he added. “I do believe there are two things that I got out of that experience that I still advocate today. One is the idea of worker empowerment. I do believe that we need to move toward an economic system in which working people have more control over their daily economic life.”

He said one way to accomplish that is through worker-owned enterprises and cooperatives. He mentioned Huck’s convenience stories as an example of a worker-owned business. Such entities, he said, are “a much healthier model than the corporate model.”

The other lesson he carries, he said, is “I do believe there is a proper, positive role to be played by the public sector. … I go against the trend that has become so popular after 30 years of right-wing propaganda that everything needs to be privatized — the government can’t do anything right.
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