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  An Open Letter to Drew Pritt
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorHomegrown Democrat 
Last EditedHomegrown Democrat  Nov 02, 2009 01:43pm
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News DateSunday, November 1, 2009 11:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionDear Drew,

Yesterday I wrote an article on you, and while I don't know how you found out about it, since you were never a member of the DCW community until yesterday, you certainly came over and commented. Since you don't read DCW, you don't know what I write about. Therefore, you don't know HOW VERY MUCH I wish there were a serious challenge to Blanche Lincoln.

You also don't know that almost a week passed before I first heard your name and when the article was posted. You don't know that not only did I email you, but sent copies to my DCW Team partners. Could an email have been lost or misdirected? Sure - there is a huge black hole of lost emails. I have phone records indicating my calls to Todd. For days, my partners and I contacted people we knew to find out how legitimate your campaign actually was.

Since you are not a regular reader, you don't know HOW strong my support of gay rights is. I have a body of work which attests to that. Not just here, but going back years in the printed press. You don't know that I do not have "gay friends" and "straight friends" - I have FRIENDS. My base question has always been why my late husband and I had rights that my friends who happen to be gay are disallowed. That situation offends the most basic tenets of my soul: people are PEOPLE. It's that simple.

The issue to me relates to the seriousness of your campaign. My issue with having Miss Gay Arkansas as your treasurer has nothing to do with his being gay. I couldn't care less, it's a non-issue to ME. The issue is how it plays in Arkansas.
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