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  An Endorsement of Reverend Billy for Mayor of NYC
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedCraverguy  Oct 01, 2009 01:26am
Logged 1 [Older]
AuthorThe L Magazine
News DateWednesday, September 30, 2009 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionGreen Party candidate Bill Talen, aka the Reverend Billy, has long focused on the principles we hold dear at The L Magazine:

• The importance of public space in the face of an increasingly corporatized approach to urbanism that favors the developer over the individual.
• The need for strong local economies generated from within (rather than imposed on) the city’s neighborhoods.
• Community policing that reconstitutes law enforcement as self-determination rather than occupation.
• Serious investment in public transit, with a focus on sustainable, human-scale infrastructure.
• A heightened eco-consciousness that moves beyond conventional green solutions and radically reconsiders the city’s relationship to the broader world.
• Above all, the idea that we are citizens, not demographic statistics or “clients” to be sold to, marketed to, dismissed, or marginalized. The city is not a corporation, democracy is not a product, and we are not mere consumers.

These principles may be derided as fuzzy or unrealistic, but we are tired of being told to stop imagining a better future, tired of self-interest and greed masquerading as political “realism.” It is from the world’s great cities that change will come, and New York City should be leading the way. Principles like these are no longer on the political fringe, and have been realized in municipal policy from Winnipeg to Berlin to London—that management has become such a celebrated virtue in New York speaks to an electorate conditioned by crisis, existing in a state of low-grade anxiety, craving reassurance rather than innovation.

A vote for Reverend Billy might be a protest vote, but that’s the point here, to protest.
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