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  Watch out Limbaugh, Ed Fallon is after your gig
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Last EditedCOSDem  Sep 20, 2009 03:15pm
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News DateSunday, September 20, 2009 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionFormer Rep. Ed Fallon and his wife Lynn will begin a new radio show Monday that they say is progressive and counters the domination of conservative radio in Iowa.

“For too long, Iowa’s airwaves have been dominated by Rush Limbaugh, Jan Mickelson, Steve Deace, Glen Beck and Michael Savage,” said Fallon, a Democrat from Des Moines. “Well, times are changing, and this is an unprecedented opportunity for those of us concerned about pressing economic, social and environmental issues to have our voices heard.”

The hour-long show called “The Fallon Forum” will begin Monday at 7 p.m. on 98.3 WOW-FM. It can be heard from Fort Dodge to Chariton, from Grinnell to Carroll, and can be live-streamed at [Link] Guests can call-in and join the conversation at (515) 312-0983.

The show replaces some of the airtime currently given to Michael Savage, who recently stated on his show that he recommended making “the construction of mosques illegal in America, and the speaking of English only in the streets of the United States the law.”

The Fallons kick-off the show on Monday with Dolores Huerta, who helped start the United Farm Workers with Cesar Chavez. Huerta, 79, remains an outspoken advocate for many causes, including marriage equality.
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