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  Idaho Rep. Walt Minnick tells Democrats why he's a moderate
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Last EditedJason  Aug 25, 2009 07:12pm
Logged 1 [Older]
AuthorDan Popkey
News DateMonday, August 24, 2009 01:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionRep. Walt Minnick is taking his moderate message to liberal enclaves outside his district to argue that if Democrats are to build on the last two elections they must govern from the center.

Minnick ventured to Boise's North End and Blaine County to assuage Democrats who bitterly complain about his opposition to major parts of the Democratic agenda, including health care, climate change and the stimulus.

"I try to represent my district," Minnick told about 80 Democrats on Tuesday at Smoky Mountain Pizza on State Street. "A lot of things that would be viewed with disfavor in Blaine County or the North End or on a university campus are mainstream Democratic when you get into rural Idaho."

Minnick warned that if Democrats govern from the left, they risk losing control of Congress and the White House. "Unless you can capture that great middle ground, you can't win national elections and govern," he said.
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