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  Robert Novak (1931-2009)
Parent(s) Candidate 
ContributorKarma Policeman 
Last EditedKarma Policeman  Aug 18, 2009 11:07am
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AuthorKenneth Tomlinson
News DateTuesday, August 18, 2009 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe Evans-Novak column ran under the title “the Sonnenfeldt Doctrine.” When I finished reading that early spring day in 1976, I remember thinking, this is quintessential Bob Novak.

State Department Counselor Helmut Sonnenfeldt had told a London gathering of American ambassadors that Soviet domination of Eastern Europe was actually necessary for world peace. In fact, Poland was a good example of the benefits of Soviet control because that had enabled the Poles to overcome their “romantic” political instincts which had led to so many “disasters in their past.”
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