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  RI Congressman Langevin to face primary challenger
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorThe Sunset Provision 
Last EditedThe Sunset Provision  Aug 01, 2009 01:44pm
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MediaNewspaper - Boston Globe
News DateSaturday, August 1, 2009 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionA campaign flier showing that Congressman James Langevin, an abortion opponent, will face a challenge in the Democratic primary from a pro-choice state lawmaker sparked interest Friday as it bounced among women's rights leaders and other potential allies of the challenger.

Rep. Elizabeth Dennigan, D-East Providence, said Friday that "it's no secret" she's interested in the race, but she refused to confirm the authenticity of an invitation spread by e-mail to supporters to watch Dennigan declare her candidacy Tuesday for Langevin's seat.

A person who spoke with The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity said Dennigan confirmed to this person that she will announce her candidacy at the Providence rally.

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