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  Gov. Bobby Jindal unveils $26.7 billion budget proposal
Parent(s) Candidate 
ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Mar 14, 2009 06:51pm
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MediaNewspaper - New Orleans Times-Picayune
News DateSunday, March 15, 2009 12:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBATON ROUGE -- Gov. Bobby Jindal handed lawmakers a $26.7 billion budget Friday that proposes sharp cuts to health care, higher education and a host of other government programs despite a nearly $1 billion boost from the federal economic stimulus package.

The budget would cut state spending by 9.8 percent over current-year levels starting July 1 and strike 1,421 full-time jobs from the state payroll. It would eliminate, consolidate and privatize several programs and close the New Orleans Adolescent Hospital.

Only about 300 of the jobs being eliminated are currently filled, Commissioner of Administration Angele Davis said.

The spending plan comes as state revenue backslides after several years of strong post-hurricane growth. The national economic slowdown, a sharp drop in energy prices and hundreds of millions in corporate and individual tax breaks approved in recent years have all contributed to the drop-off.

To keep the budget in balance, the administration is proposing to use $943 million of the estimated $3.6 billion Louisiana will receive from the federal stimulus bill. The remaining stimulus money would be used in the following fiscal year. Most of the stimulus money would be used to offset cuts in health care and higher education.
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