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  Morrissey files to run for re-election
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Last Editedev  Jan 23, 2009 09:08pm
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MediaNewspaper - Rockford Register Star
News DateFriday, January 23, 2009 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMorrissey files to run for re-election

By Jeff Kolkey
Posted Jan 22, 2009 @ 05:27 PM
Last update Jan 22, 2009 @ 11:02 PM

Mayor Larry Morrissey today filed an inches-thick packet of paperwork to run as an independent for re-election in the April 7 consolidated election.

During his first four-year term, Morrissey has made a habit of using a bully pulpit to challenge public entities like the Rockford School District and the local judicial system.

Morrissey said his re-election hinges on whether Rockford voters want him “to advocate for better schools and being tougher on crime.”

“Even when that might mean pushing in areas where we haven’t pushed before,” Morrissey said. “If I am re-elected, it’s because the community wants us to continue to push in that direction. They know it’s not a different city for the courts, a different city for the schools, it’s one city. It’s our city.”

Morrissey acknowledged the continuing budget discussion also could become a campaign issue.

As the city looks for ways to solve a $5 million budget deficit, Morrissey has advocated avoiding layoffs but reducing minimum fire and police staffing levels by saving on overtime costs and other spending reductions.

Morrissey said he carefully attempted to make sure the election paperwork could withstand any potential challenges to his candidacy. Several potential candidates for aldermanic posts have been knocked off the February primary ballots as a result of formal challenges.

“To file as an independent is a lot of work. It’s a lot more signatures needed to get on the ballot,” Morrissey said. “We went through painstaking efforts to make sure we are as accurate as possible.”

Running a sophisticated campaign, Morrissey and a cadre of volunteers collected an estimated 2,500 signatures. He said there was a process in place to verify the signatures.

Independent candidates for mayor in Rockford need a minimum of 1,
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