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  Live From IL-5: Fritchey Joins The Field
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Last EditedCOSDem  Jan 07, 2009 10:29am
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News DateWednesday, January 7, 2009 04:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionFRITCHEY: I've looked at this for many, many weeks now to see if this was the right choice to make. I think it's a very unique time in history. I came into the general assembly with President-elect Obama. We both came into the Illinois legislature in 1996. I think the opportunity to serve in an Obama administration -- in that Congress -- is a unique opportunity. The 5th District is a great district. It runs from the lakefront all the way to the Dupage County line. It's a great cross-section of the city and suburbs. I'm honored to have just an attempt to even try to represent the district.
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