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  IA Legislator Lundby, with grace, bids adieu to friends
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Last EditedCOSDem  Dec 24, 2008 09:10am
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MediaNewspaper - Des Moines Register
News DateWednesday, December 24, 2008 03:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionState Sen. Mary Lundby called friends this week to say her doctors told her she would probably not live through Christmas.

"It's been devastating to watch such a strong woman who seems invincible to undergo such a tragedy," said Carolann Jensen, a staff member in the Iowa Senate and a close friend of Lundby's.

"It shows you it doesn't matter what your personality is, it's tough when you're facing your mortality."

Nobody believed a housewife from Marion could beat a longtime incumbent lawmaker, Mike Oxley, in 1986. Lundby, a plain-spoken, aggressive Republican, won in a landslide, the only newcomer to take out a sitting representative that fall.

Now, the 60-year-old woman who has been a powerful lawmaker known for stomping problems with a blunt, no-nonsense attitude is accepting the fact that she will lose her life to cancer.

A raging infection seemed to be more under control Tuesday, but all Lundby's cancer treatments have ceased: the chemotherapy isn't keeping the cancer cells at bay, and her organs cannot take any more radiation.
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