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  Duncan’s School “Reform” Sham
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedCraverguy  Dec 18, 2008 11:53am
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News DateThursday, December 18, 2008 05:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionTeachers in Chicago are sorry to see that the CEO of the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), Arne Duncan, is getting a promotion. Barack Obama has selected Duncan to be his Education Secretary.

In the past couple years, Duncan has been turning public schools over to private operators — mainly in the form of charter and contract schools — at a rate of about 20 per year. Duncan has also resuscitated some of the worst “school reform” ideas of the 1990s, like firing all the teachers in low-performing schools (called “turnarounds”). At the same time, he’s eliminated many Local School Councils and made crucial decisions without public input.

Charter schools and test-score driven school “choice” have been the watchwords of Duncan’s rule in Chicago. Expect more of the same in Washington, D.C.

To me, the thing that made Duncan’s role clear came after three months of organizing at Senn High School, the community school where I teach, against the Chicago Board of Education’s proposal to install a Naval Academy.

After an inspiring campaign that involved literally hundreds of people in the biggest education organizing effort in the area in decades, we forced Duncan to come up to our neighborhood to listen to our case for keeping the military out of our school. More than 300 of us, parents, teachers, and community supporters, held a big meeting in a local church and, at the end of the meeting, we asked Duncan to postpone the decision to put the military school at Senn.

Duncan’s answer was a classic. He said: “I come from a Quaker family, and I’ve always been against war. But I’m going to put the Naval Academy in there, because it will give people in the community more choices.”
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