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Reichert Sweeps Newspaper Endorsements
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Contributor | Ralphie |
Last Edited | Ralphie Oct 20, 2008 11:29am |
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Category | Blog Entry |
News Date | Monday, October 20, 2008 05:00:00 AM UTC0:0 |
Description | Break out the brooms, the Tacoma News Tribune is endorsing Reichert in tomorrow's paper. They join the Seattle Times and Seattle P-I in doing likewise.
The P-I was the one switch from 2006, when the Times and the TNT endorsed Reichert then too.
Note this bit from tomorrow's editorial:
Not surprisingly, Burner tends to reflect the political enthusiasms of her [netroots] supporters. Her opposition to international trade agreements is troubling. Like others opposed to free trade, she champions "fair trade" - a term of art for encumbering agreements with U.S.-dictated labor and environmental rules that would be deal-killers for major trade partners.
This stance would poorly represent the nation's most trade-dependent state - a major beneficiary of the North American Free Trade Agreement Burner opposes. |
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