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  Scalise, Harlan engage in ugly war of words
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ContributorBrandonius Maximus 
Last EditedBrandonius Maximus  Oct 19, 2008 09:16am
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News DateSunday, October 19, 2008 03:15:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionRepublican U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise had no opponent in the October party primary elections, but he took plenty of political punches for months from businessman Jim Harlan, who had weak opposition in the Democratic primary and was able to aim his scathing television ads at Scalise.

Now, Scalise is hitting back.

Seeking his first full term as the congressman from Louisiana's 1st District, his campaign last week launched a television ad featuring, among other things, video of an arm-flailing, angry Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the former pastor of Sen. Barack Obama. The point: his Democratic opponent, Harlan, is too close to Obama and, thus, too liberal for the historically conservative, Republican-voting district of mostly white New Orleans suburbs.

True, Harlan was an Obama delegate at the Democratic convention and an Obama campaign contributor. But linking the wealthy, white, pro-gun, anti-abortion Democrat to the fiery black preacher -- seen shouting "God damn America" in the Scalise ad -- is a bit of a stretch, says Shreveport-based demographer and political consultant Elliott Stonecipher.

It's hardly the only one in this campaign.

Take for instance the Harlan ad linking Scalise to a scandal in the state's budding film industry.
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