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  Uniformed Saskatchewan RCMP officer delivering Tory campaign signs
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Last EditedCraverguy  Oct 14, 2008 07:56pm
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News DateWednesday, October 8, 2008 01:55:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionA resident of La Ronge says he witnessed a uniformed RCMP officer delivering campaign signs in Northern Saskatchewan for Conservative candidate Rob Clarke, a direct violation of the police force's policy.

Bill Layman, a longtime northern resident who's in the mining exploration business, said the uniformed officer was delivering large campaign placards on Monday around lunch time to the downtown constituency office of Clarke, the Conservative candidate in the Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River.

The officer was using a marked RCMP pickup truck. Layman was driving to an advanced polling station to vote when he saw the officer.

"This was a big freaking sign," Layman said. "I'm not into partisan politics . . . but this guy was 100 per cent totally delivering this stuff."

Layman tried to approach the man, he said, but the officer was "incredibly dismissive."

"He was very offhandish, like it was no big deal. He gave me a kind've valley girl stare like, 'It was no big deal, what's your problem?' "

Clarke was the Conservative MP for the riding for six months after winning a byelection earlier this year. He was the RCMP sergeant in charge of the Spiritwood detachment in 2006 when three constables were fired on. Two of them, constables Robin Cameron and Marc Bourdages, died. He enjoys strong support among the RCMP because of his involvement, members of his campaign team said.

Russell Ullyatt, Clarke's campaign manager, said they have more than 500 volunteers and "don't have control over what they do."

"If the story is true, it's very unfortunate," he said.

Liberal party candidate David Orchard, Clarke's main rival in the riding, said he thinks it was "totally inappropriate" for a Mountie to be involved in campaigning during a federal election campaign.
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