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Orlando protesters target Magic owner for support of gay-marriage ban
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Contributor | The Sunset Provision |
Last Edited | The Sunset Provision Sep 30, 2008 01:00pm |
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Category | News |
Media | Newspaper - Orlando Sentinel |
News Date | Tuesday, September 30, 2008 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0 |
Description | Inside the Amway Arena, a voice over the public-address system announced that the next two people to buy upper-bowl tickets to the Orlando Magic would get a basketball autographed by Hedo Turkoglu.
Meanwhile, outside the facility, protesters chanted, "The billionaire's a bonehead. The billionaire's a bonehead."
Professional sports and political street theater intersected Sunday as opponents of a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution vented their wrath on Magic owner Rich DeVos on the day season-ticket holders were selecting their seats.
The protesters were calling attention to DeVos' contribution of $100,000 to Florida4Marriage, a group that supports Amendment 2, which would add the existing ban on gay marriage to the state constitution. Opponents say the measure could also deny domestic-partnership benefits for unmarried couples -- gay and straight.
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