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  [PA-03] Dahlkemper rejects releasing 2007 tax return
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Last EditedScottĀ³  Aug 22, 2008 12:44pm
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MediaNewspaper - Erie Times-News
News DateFriday, August 22, 2008 06:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionErie Times-News.

An excerpt...
"Democratic congressional candidate Kathy Dahlkemper said she will not release her 2007 federal income tax return -- as U.S. Rep. Phil English has requested -- because doing so could divulge "confidential business information" related to her family's landscaping business.

English's campaign manager, Adam Beebe, said Dahlkemper's claim that releasing her return would put her business in jeopardy was "unfounded and flat-out untrue."

English, R-3rd Dist., is running television ads calling for Dahlkemper to release her return. English, of Erie, released his on April 14.

Dahlkemper and Independent Steven Porter are challenging English for English's seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

English, who was first elected in 1994, is seeking his eighth two-year term in office.

Dahlkemper said Tuesday that releasing the return could put her family's business or employees at risk. Dahlkemper is the director of human resources and projects for Dahlkemper Landscape Architects & Contractors, which she runs with her husband, Dan.

Dahlkemper said the couple's personal and business finances are "related" in tax filings. She and her husband file their taxes jointly, she said.

She called English's request a "smoke screen" and a "nonissue."

Dahlkemper said her personal financial information is available through mandatory Federal Election Commission filings, and she has complied with all election laws."
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