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  Happy Days for birthday boy Balls
Parent(s) Candidate 
Last EditedRalphie  Jul 02, 2008 02:00pm
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MediaTV News - British Broadcasting Corporation BBC News
News DateWednesday, July 2, 2008 07:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMost first birthday parties are a mix of balloons, sandwiches, cooing parents and lots of noise.

This one was quite similar.... except the birthday boy was a 41-year-old Cabinet Minister - and his guest of honour was in serious danger of upstaging him.

To celebrate his department's first anniversary, Schools Secretary Ed Balls decided to hold a party at his nearest primary school.

To the teachers, parents and most of the media present, he might have been the birthday boy - but he was certainly not the coolest guy in the room.

That title belonged to Henry "the Fonz" Winkler, whose arrival at St Matthew's Church of England School in the heart of Westminster brought more than a ripple of excitement.
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