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  Beauty Queen challenges Labour
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Last EditedRalphie  May 05, 2008 03:34pm
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MediaNewspaper - Daily Telegraph
News DateMonday, May 5, 2008 09:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionMiss Great Britain, Gemma Garrett, 26, says she will fight the by-election in the safe Labour seat of Crewe and Nantwich.

Miss Garrett from Belfast, will represent the newly formed Beauties for Britain party.

In her campaign announcement, she has "pledged to help make Westminster as glamorous a place as its fellow European legislatures, where beautiful women abound in the higher echelons of government".

Ms Garrett said: "I may not know a lot about politics yet but I do know about people and how everyone would prefer that Britain looks and feels beautiful instead of dwelling on the ugly and negative side of life and politics.

"I want British politicians to be sexy not sleazy and to show that they really care about women.
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