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  Democrats Flaunt Big Financial Advantage in Key La. House Race
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedArmyDem  May 01, 2008 09:12pm
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News DateFriday, May 2, 2008 03:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionBATON ROUGE, La. -- Watch television one night here these days, and you'll see the new world order of politics: Democrats have institutionally become the party of money.

That's true both in terms of the small dollar donations that their party's presidential candidates love to tout and the big donations that provide the bulk of TV revenue for congressional candidates. Here, state Rep. Don Cazayoux (D-La.) has an enormous financial advantage heading into the final 72 hours of the campaign for a seat long held by Republicans.

After both Cazayoux and his opponent, veteran Republican state legislator Woody Jenkins , stumbled out of their respective party primaries earlier this month, both were nearly broke. But with the backing of party leaders in Washington, Cazayoux's coffers have been flooded with donations that have allowed him to fill the airwaves with feel-good ads showing his parents talking about his love of babies and guns -- while also attacking Jenkins for tax liens from business deals more than a decade ago.

In the last two weeks before an election, the Federal Election Commission only requires candidates to file reports showing donations of $1,000 or more. In that span, Cazayoux took in $505,000 in those large donations. Demonstrating how important this race is to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Democratic leaders have begged their colleagues to pour money from their own campaign accounts and PACs into the race.
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