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  FEC Queries To [AR] Governor Unanswered
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Last EditedDFWDem  Oct 21, 2003 11:19am
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News DateTuesday, October 21, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionFAYETTEVILLE — Gov. Mike Huckabee turned down repeated requests Monday to answer allegations that he personally approved campaign transactions that landed the Republican Party of Arkansas in trouble with the Federal Election Commission.

The governor was called three times Sunday and his office was called another three times Monday after the allegations came to light in a letter by former party Executive Director Chris Carnahan.

“The governor’s office is not in a position to comment” because the issue is a political campaign question, said Huckabee spokesman Rex Nelson on Monday. The governor’s staff is not allowed by law to help with campaign issues. A message left Monday for the governor after Nelson’s statement was not returned. The governor’s staff was asked Monday morning to forward the request for a response — if they could not respond — to someone who could. No one else offered a response on Monday.

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