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  [WI]Bad news, good news for Clinton and Obama
Parent(s) Race 
Last EditedPenguin  Feb 10, 2008 12:00am
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MediaNewspaper - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
News DateSunday, February 10, 2008 05:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionElements of state's electorate can hurt or help in primary

The Clinton campaign has made it pretty clear how it wants its candidate to be seen in Wisconsin.


It has suggested publicly and privately that rival Democrat Barack Obama enjoys built-in advantages here - not just because he has the state's second-term governor in his corner, but also because of the nature of Wisconsin's open primary and the mix of voters who will turn out Feb. 19.

And there's something to that.

Combine a big campus vote with oodles of independents and a heaping of reform-minded, anti-war liberals, and this electorate sounds tailor-made for the youthful senator from the state-next-door.

But the recent history of the Wisconsin primary suggests a more level playing field than that.

Take a turnout that will be majority female, add an oversize union vote and large numbers of working-class whites, and the political turf begins to look a little friendlier to the former first lady.
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