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  Abridged History of Ukraine - Presidental Elections 1999
Parent(s) Race 
ContributorUser 215 
Last EditedUser 215  Oct 16, 2003 01:07pm
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News DateThursday, October 16, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionCompiled by George Skoryk, from Radio Free Europe (including reports prepared by Jan Maksymiuk on the basis of a variety of sources including reporting by "RFE/RL Newsline" and RFE/RL's broadcast services.), Ukrainian Weekly
and other reference sources. Also current affairs reports in press, mass media and Internet.

In January 1999 a law was approved on presidential elections scheduled for 31 October 1999. The law stipulates that political parties or a group of at least 500 voters can nominate presidential candidates. Each candidate must collect 1 million signatures among Ukraine's 35 million eligible voters, be over 35 years old, and have resided in Ukraine for at least 10 years before the elections. To win in the first round, a candidate must be supported by more than half of the voters who cast their ballots. A simple majority of votes is required to win in a runoff. Political parties that nominate candidates are allowed to send two representatives to every constituency to monitor vote counting.
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