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Last Editedparticleman  Jan 22, 2008 10:54pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
News DateWednesday, January 23, 2008 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionAs Fred Thompson departs and frees up a share of conservative voters, Huck's difficulties in trying to compete in one large state and then in a slew of others are coming to the fore.

He confirmed today that some of his aides aren't getting paid anymore and adviser Ed Rollins said others had quit.

Further, they're scaling back any attempt to take Florida. Rollins said going on broadcast TV was unlikely because of the cost. And the candidate will duck out of the state between now and Tuesday to visit other Southern states holding contests on Feb. 5th.

And they'll now get less of that which has gotten them to where they are today -- earned media -- as they can't afford to charter jets for their travelling press corps anymore.


Fred's exit and Huck's diminishment mean that more conservatives will be looking for somewhere to go -- and whoever snaps them up may well become the nominee.
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