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  Huckabee, DuMond issue returns
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Last EditedDFWDem  Jan 11, 2008 02:32pm
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CategoryBlog Entry
News DateFriday, January 11, 2008 08:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionA political committee has started airing ads in South Carolina featuring Lois Davidson, the mother of Carol Shields, who was murdered by Wayne DuMond.

In the ad, Davidson blames Mike Huckabee for DuMond's release from an Arkansas prison. Huckabee's role in DuMond's release has been an issue in Arkansas politics for years and remains a stubborn issue in the presidential campaign.

Thursday night, Huckabee talked about the ad on Hannity and Colmes, following the Republican debate:

"Obviously we wish we could bring that woman back. We can’t. The tragedy is misstating the facts of that case and insinuating that I went out and let him go when parole is not the purview of the governor. But here’s what’s tragic. When candidates and these 527s, anonymous little groups funded usually by some candidate’s supporter, when they get so desperate that they will exploit the victim of a crime, and put their families through that. How low does politics have to go before we finally say enough?"

Friday morning, Davidson, in a statement released by the ad's sponsor, responded:

"Last night, Mike Huckabee accused me of being exploited and used for political purposes. I assure you, Mr. Huckabee, I am not being exploited. I am fully aware of the actions I have taken in attempting to inform the public of your role in my daughter's rape and murder. I have spent over 7 years thinking about this.

"I am not a dupe. But you, Governor Huckabee, were duped time and again by convicted felons who once released from prison by you began hurting people again.

"Mr. Huckabee, I am not a victim. However, my daughter was a victim. She was raped and murdered by a serial rapist that you wanted freed from prison. Please be honest about the role you played in releasing my daughter's killer."
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