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  TSC has 30 days to 'cool off'
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Last EditedWabash  Oct 09, 2003 12:07pm
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News DateThursday, October 9, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionMany Tippecanoe County taxpayers have a little more than a month to decide whether or not to support $10 million worth of building projects for the Tippecanoe School Corp.

The TSC board of school trustees voted Wednesday night to publish a legal notice next week that acknowledges remonstrance efforts. That notice, required under Indiana law, will kick off a 30-day "cooling off" period which will be followed by the 30-day petition drive. That drive will begin Nov. 16 and end Dec. 16.

The remonstrance, which was officially filed Sept. 15, opposes the tax bond issue for four building projects -- $4.9 million in renovations and additions for Battle Ground Elementary School, $1.1 million for a media center addition at Hershey Elementary School, and $2 million each for athletic facilities at Harrison and McCutcheon high schools.
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