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  Libertarians Pick N.H. for 'Free State' (AP)
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Contributor*crickets chirp* 
Last Edited*crickets chirp*  Oct 01, 2003 02:34pm
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MediaWebsite - Yahoo News: Iran
News DateWednesday, October 1, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description"CONCORD, N.H. - A group of libertarians announced a project Wednesday to get 20,000 Americans to move to New Hampshire and work to transform it into a "free state" with fewer laws, smaller government and greater liberty.

New Hampshire, whose motto is "Live Free or Die," beat out nine other finalists for the Free State Project. Wyoming was runner-up in balloting conducted by about 5,000 members of the project around the country, vice president Elizabeth McKinstry said.

The 5,000 members have already pledged to move to the selected state, Free State Project organizers said. They hope to increase their numbers to 20,000 within two years and start transforming the state into a national model of liberty.

Some free-staters want to roll back restrictions on gambling, legalize medicinal marijuana and strengthen gun rights. But McKinstry said members also will work for charities and scholarship programs and help citizens get more involved in government."

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