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  (Former Japanese PM) Kiichi Miyazawa dies at 87
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Last EditedAshley  Jun 29, 2007 01:09am
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MediaEnglish Language Newspaper - Asahi Shimbun
News DateFriday, June 29, 2007 04:00:00 AM UTC0:0
Description Former Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, a dovish politician among conservatives who allowed the Self-Defense Forces to join peacekeeping missions overseas, died of natural causes Thursday at his home in Tokyo, officials said.

He was 87.

Miyazawa, a staunch defender of Japan's pacifist Constitution, became president of the Liberal Democratic Party in October 1991, and prime minister the following month, succeeding Toshiki Kaifu.

Under the Miyazawa administration, Japan passed a peacekeeping operations law to allow the SDF to participate in United Nations-led peacekeeping activities in Cambodia.

Under the law, SDF troops were dispatched outside of Japan for the first time.

Although Miyazawa tried to pass legislation on political reforms, the bills were shot down in the Diet in 1993.
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