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  Orlando Sentinel: Soto a good fit
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Last EditedSome say...  Apr 24, 2007 08:29am
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MediaNewspaper - Orlando Sentinel
News DateTuesday, April 24, 2007 02:00:00 PM UTC0:0
DescriptionThe reasons to support Darren Soto in today's District 49 special election are overwhelming:

Mr. Soto, a Democrat, has a strong understanding of the issues, particularly educational concerns, property-tax reform and revamping the state's failing juvenile-justice system. He has a solid background as a civil-rights attorney. And he takes a practical approach to problems. He can rise above the divisive nature of party politics and provide a strong voice in Tallahassee.

Mr. Soto brings specifics to solutions as well, proposing that incoming high-school freshmen opt into vocational or art school in order to lower the dropout rate, and establishing mandatory after-school programs to deal with youthful offenders.

Mr. Soto's broad-based appeal outweighs the experience of his opponent, Anthony Suarez, who served in the state House from 1999 to 2000 as a Democrat.

Also in contention today are two Osceola County seats.

The Sentinel recommends:

District 2 Osceola County Commission: John Quinones

District 4 Osceola County Commission: Ken Smith

District 49 Florida House: Darren Soto
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