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House Refuses to Order Special Indiana Election
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Contributor | Chronicler |
Last Edited | Chronicler Apr 15, 2007 11:15am |
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Category | News |
News Date | Tuesday, April 30, 1985 05:10:00 PM UTC0:0 |
Description | By Steven V. Roberts
[New York Times]
Washington DC - After an angry and partisan debate, the House of Representatives today voted 229 to 200 to reject a Republican proposal for a special election to decide the hotly disputed House race in Indiana's eighth district.
The conflict threatens to disrupt House proceedings in coming weeks and could impair President Reagan's efforts to pass a budget and other legislative initiatives...
The vote ran largely along party lines, but 19 Democrats, most of them Southern conservatives, joined a united Republican bloc in favoring a new election. One of the 19, Romano L. Mazzoli of Kentucky, told the House that "the race does appear to be tainted" and should be re-run... |
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