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  LABOR OF LOVE: Palmer: I love being Trenton mayor
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ContributorUser 13 
Last EditedUser 13  Sep 22, 2003 03:13pm
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News DateMonday, September 22, 2003 06:00:00 AM UTC0:0
DescriptionDiplomatic and urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceful represent his positive forces, operating opposite his dark side of being indecisive, gullible, flirtatious and self-indulgent.

Trenton’s fourth-term mayor, who promises one more run, circulates between Washington, D.C. and New Jersey’s capital city.

He rules as president of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors and owns a seat on the Democratic National Committee. His name appears on the Rolodexes of former vice-president Al Gore and Pa. Gov. Ed Rendell.

On a recent summer night at Marsilio’s, a popular eatery in Chambersburg, Palmer sat huddled with former Democratic Sen. Bob Torricelli.

Palmer is currently engineering plans for a Democratic presidential debate slated for late October at the War Memorial.

"I love being mayor of Trenton. If this is all that there is for me then I can live with that,’’ said Palmer.

"I always wanted to be mayor of Trenton. I ate, drank and slept it. I love this city. Love being here. Love my life.’’

Palmer is happily married to Christiana Foglio and a father to 10-month-old daughter Laila Rose.
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